You can run the model numbers and find out what they were built as.

If it's an older one a 1 1/2hp motor is fine but if it is a newer one and has a 1 1/2hp motor then it is probably a hybrid and not a true cabinet saw. A Unisaw is a name for a model of cabinet saw that Rockwell and Delta make or made. Thanks for the help! Sometimes there is - it depends on a number of things like what fence and if it is a hybrid or true cabinet saw. I've always thought they were just cabinet table saws, but is there a difference between a cabinet saw and a unisaw? Because of the unique single piece trunnion system, the controls for depth-of-blade and bevel can be located on the front of the saw cabinet. I've come across a couple Unisaws, one is a Rockwell and the other is a Delta. Delta Unisaw with Biesemeyer Fence Up-front Controls One of the features that really stands out on the Unisaw is the front-mounted controls. Its designed for quick mounting by using existing mounting holes on Delta Unisaws and contractor saws, Powermatic Model 66 saws, most Sears 10' table saws and most other saws with fence rail. I've also used a Festool track saw for quote a while but I just picked a large order for quite a few desks and figure it might be a time to upgrade. The Vega Saw Fence System locks parallel to the saw blade, includes accurate measuring scales, maintains alignment and allows for fine adjustments. I've been able to get away with using and older contractor rockwell arbor saw, but I'm looking for a bigger machine, something more accurate that ill have for years to come. The 36-889 Unifence Saw Guide includes the fence, carriage assembly, front guide rail. Hi everyone, I'm in the market for a new table saw. 100.00 OBOThe model 36-889, 52 capacity UnifenceTM Saw Guide can be assembled to the Delta 10 Tilting Arbor Saw, 10 Unisaw, Contractors Saw, in addition to other makes of table saws.