This boolean ConVar enables/disables cheats on the server. So, here i'm going to show you some developer console Commands in GMOD (And Some of them Need sv_cheats 1 for Work!) sv_cheats 1 - Enables cheats on the server In GMOD, you can use Developer Console for execute Commands and have Fun too with sv_cheats 1.So everyone else will be able to use the same commands, except bots Please note, that it is not only activated for you, but for everyone in the server. sv_cheats 1 The default value is 0, when sv_cheats is set to 1, it means that it has been activated.To begin you must first go to the Options on your game menu and select the Keyboard tab. Upon the release of GMod 13, the secret phrase was changed to bloxwich.This is done by setting the sv_cheats command to 1. Sv_cheats on starup :: Garry's Mod Help / Problems / Bug It's 2 years old tho, no idea if the offsets are correct. It's not a hack in itself, you just run this then you can use cheats and LUA. Garry's Mod is a sandbox game by Facepunch built with Valve's Source engine Privacy policy About GMod Wiki Disclaimer This page was last modified on 28 August 2011, at 13:23.(right click on gmod from your game library in steam) Then say set launch options. Type god (again, no quotation marks for any of these) into the console The console can be found by pressing the ` button, above tab. For any cheat, first type in sv_cheats 1 (with no quotation marks) into the console.Home Gmod sv_cheats Steam Community :: Guide :: Cheats and Secrets!(For GMod